Principles that guide A Better Brussels’ work
As a growing number of people connect with A Better Brussels, I thought it would be helpful to share what guides this initiative.
I am always mindful that one initiative cannot fix everything, so grateful that others exist.
A few promises I have made to myself:
to avoid trying to do it all and
to focus on what I know and am capable of—raising awareness to inspire change in the behaviours of those who are self-aware enough.
Here are a few other things I think about when trying to make sure our work makes a tangible difference:
Focus on behaviours, not people
Very few people are inherently toxic; it's their behaviours that cultivate harm. And good news is that behaviours aren’t fixed—if they can be “learnt," they can be "unlearnt.”
Toxicity knows no boundaries
Toxic behaviours don’t discriminate—they can affect anyone (yes, even men). So, I’m mindful not to alienate anyone who struggles in toxic work environments.
Place the burden where it belongs
I am tired of hearing people tell juniors or mid-level professionals to "do this" or "change that," to lean in, to quietly tolerate toxic behaviours of bosses, and accept that “this is just how things work in Brussels.”
For far too long, the burden of change has been placed on people who endure toxic behaviours rather than those who perpetuate them.
Just as society is starting to hold sexual abuse perpetrators accountable, it's time we extend this accountability to bosses or colleagues who cause emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace, not those who endure it.
People’s lived experiences matter
Statistics can only tell us so much. People’s lived experiences bring the nuance, humanity, and relatability that numbers cannot capture. So the stories we hear and share help us understand the subtleties of what it means to be human.
Mental health Is hard to measure—and it matters so much
Toxic bosses or colleagues have become increasingly adept at masking their harmful behaviours, often hiding behind a polished veneer of competence. This facade makes their toxicity harder to identify and even harder to challenge.
Last but not least, avoid becoming an echo chamber or know-it-alls
Recent feedback has shown me how important it is to avoid creating a space that becomes an echo chamber—a Brussels staple.
I learnt that one of the people credited in one of my reports has in the past exhibited toxic behaviours. This was a stark reminder that some people perceive A Better Brussels as a place for those who have figured everything out. But that’s not the point.
A lot of us are not perfect. Being a better boss is about continuously learning, listening, and doing the hard work. And somewhere Brussels’ folks stopped learning.
I cannot get myself to exclude anyone who has even a sliver of aspiration to become a better boss. This includes those who may have made mistakes and are willing to do the hard work of introspection and learning. Otherwise, what’s the point of speaking only to the convinced, am I right?!
These principles are not just ideals
They are what guide me when I spend my evenings working on listening sessions or developing tools.
Let me also share that changing policies isn’t our focus. Belgium already has strong laws addressing bullying, time off, and workplace rights. And I am no policy expert.
Instead, I choose to focus on what I can do—complement existing structures by raising awareness, encouraging introspection, and promoting practical tools to help those looking to be better bosses and better colleagues.
Seeing the response to A Better Brussels’ recent work, it feels like we might be onto something meaningful. And I am grateful to each and every one of our Ambassadors and Advisors and each one of you who gets in touch.
If you’d like to play an active role in making Brussels’ policymaking spaces more empathetic, respectful, and genuinely supportive—where these values are the norm, not the exception—feel free to reach out and get involved.